State of Alaska Fire Investigator Certifications
The Certified Fire Investigator (CFI) program follows the 2014 edition of NFPA 1033. Two (2) levels of certification are available through this program and include Certified Fire Investigator (CFI) and Alaska Fire Investigator Technician (AK-FIT). Training for the AK-FIT program is available through the completion of 14 core modules accessible through CFITrainer.net.
Training for Certified Fire Investigator is typically available through the Office of the State Fire Marshal – Training & Education Bureau. The Alaska Fire Standards Council provides certificates for both levels of certification and administers certification examinations for Certified Fire Investigator upon completion of an approved course.
Alaska Firefighter Certification ProgramAlaska Fire Investigator Technician (AK – FIT)
This program is designed for individuals seeking basic fire cause and determination investigator certification. This level includes basic elements of the 2014 NFPA 1033 standard and the NFPA 921 guidelines. Applicants for this level of certification must successfully complete the Alaska Fire Standards Council designated online modules through CFITrainer.net
Alaska Certified Fire Investigator (CFI)
This program is designed for those individuals who are generally assigned the fire investigation responsibilities for their organization. This level includes all requisite elements of 2014 edition of NFPA 1033. Applicants for this certification must meet the AKFIT certification requirements and must complete training to meet knowledge and skill requirements as required within the NFPA 1033 standard.